Tamia ŠEME Aerial Silks & Hoop
28-29.06.2025, Poznań

About Tamia ŠEME
I am Tamia Šeme, an aerial performer and passionate circus artist with a background as a sports trainer. My vision is to work in the field of circus and professional performance - not only as a trainer of various circus disciplines and a director of performances but also as someone who spreads a positive attitude towards circus and shares knowledge of its positive impact on health and self-esteem.
With 15 years as a professional rhythmic gymnast and former Slovenian national team member, I transitioned to aerial circus disciplines in 2018, initially as a hobby and later professionally. I've mastered multiple apparatuses including aerial silk, aerial hoop, aerial straps, aerial cube, and flying pole.
I'm proud to be the Winner of Supertalent Croatia, a Superfinalist at Slovenia's Got Talent, and a Diplomant of sports training.
Schedule / Harmonogram
28.06.2025, Saturday / Sobota
14:00 - 16:00
Beginner & Intermediate
Suitable for:
- Persons who have tried aerial silks at least a few times or are training it but not regularly
- Persons who know basic elements, e.g. climbing, foot lock, hip lock, invert
- 30 minutes of warm-up
- Different ways of climbing
- Basics of dynamics technique (basic swings)
- Elements and poses variations on one and two silks connected with logical transitions
- Different drops (slide or wrapping drops)
- Short connection from learned drops and poses
16:30 - 18:30
Beginner & Intermediate
Suitable for:
- Persons who have tried aerial hoop at least a few times or are training it but not regularly
- Persons who know basic elements, e.g. man in the moon, sirene, cradle, back and front balance, knee hook
- 30 minutes of warm-up
- Balances on the hoop
- Elements and poses on the hoop developed from balances, hangings, hooking and using the strop
- Explaining spinning technique
- Ways to climb the hoop while spinning
- Short connections from learned elements
29.06.2025, Sunday / Niedziela
10:00 - 13:00
Intermediate & Advanced
Suitable for:
- Persons who already master the basic elements on the aerial silks, e.g. different climbings, foot lock, hip lock, good invert, knee hook
- 35 minutes of warm-up
- Intermediate dynamics technique (swings and basics elements with using momentum) combined with poses
- Composing performances tips
- Different ways of climbing
- Spinning technique tips
- Advanced poses connected with transitions (while spinning)
- Intermediate and advanced drops on the silks (slide and wrapping)
- Learning how to use silks in the air
- Using composing performances tips to create short choreography from learned elements
- Aerial silks conditioning tips
13:30 - 16:30
Intermediate & Advanced
Suitable for:
- Persons who already master the basic elements and connections on aerial hoop, e.g man in the moon, sirene, cradle, back and front balance, knee hook, good invert
- 35 minutes of warm-up
- Spinning technique tips
- Flair invert technique
- Advanced poses connected with various transitions (while spinning)
- Balances, hangs and drops on the hoop
- Composing performances tips
- Using the tips to create short choreography from learned elements
- Aerial hoop conditioning tips
Pricing / Ceny
[AERIAL SILKS] Beginner & Intermediate
PLN 200
[AERIAL HOOP] Beginner & Intermediate
PLN 200
[AERIAL SILKS] Intermediate & Advanced
PLN 300
[AERIAL HOOP] Intermediate & Advanced
PLN 300
All Workshops
(4 sessions)
PLN 950
Saturday Package
(2 Workshops)
PLN 390
Sunday Package
(2 Workshops)
PLN 580
Aerial Silks Package
(2 Workshops)
PLN 490
Aerial Hoop Package
(2 Workshops)
PLN 490
Location / Lokalizacja
Szkoła Akrobatyki AKRO
Krzywoustego 72
61-144 Poznań, Poland
Rejestracja | Registration
Tworzymy aerialową społeczność. Jeżeli wiesz, że chcesz wziąć udział, ale teraz nie możesz zapłacić, zarejestruj się i daj mi znać. Ustalimy dogodny termin płatności.
We are creating an aerial community. If you know you want to participate but can’t pay now, please register and let me know. We’ll arrange a convenient payment date.