Aerial Workshop
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Gianluca Gerlando Gentiluomo Aerial Silks&Rope

10-11.05.2025, Poznań

AboutGianluca Gerlando Gentiluomo


Since 2013 I have been teaching circus arts, aerial disciplines, clown, acro and balancing for professional school and amateur. In possession of the BIAC, Brevet d'Initiateur aux Arts du Cirque issued by the FFEC/FEDEC, qualified to teach circus arts for amateurs and professionals.

    Circus schools where I taught Professional courses
  • Scuola di Cirko Vertigo, Turin, IT
  • Instituto Nacional de Artes del Circo, Oporto, Portugal
  • Kataklò Athletic Dance Theatre, Milan, IT
  • Accademia Materiaviva, Rome, IT
  • Die Etage, Berlin, Germany
  • Bizzarro in the air by Spazio Bizzarro, Lecco, IT
    • Amateur and pro courses
  • Association Les Intrépides, Lille, France Spinal cord, Glasgow, Scotland
  • Victoria Works, Sheffield, United Kingdom
  • My aerial home, London, United Kingdom
  • The Hive, London, United Kingdom
  • Reflex training studio, Athens, Greece
  • VAT Berlin - Studio für Pole & Aerial Arts, Berlin, Germany
  • Circus Bliss, Goa, India
  • Wooden stage, Mumbai, India
  • Delhi Rock, Delhi, India
  • Aerial silk Vienna, Austria
  • In Italy, almost everywhere
  • Artist Photo

    O Gianluca Gerlando Gentiluomo

    💥 Absolwent szkoły Cirko Vertigo w Turynie w 2011 roku.

    💥 Ukończył Arc en Cirque school w Chambery w 2013 roku.

    💥 Specjalizował się na rocznym kursie w szkole Vertigo w 2014 roku.

    💥 Student Uniwersytetu na kierunku "Artysta współczesnego cyrku" w Vertigo/DAMS.

    Bogate doświadczenie w nauczaniu i szkoleniu artystycznym:

    • Ponad 10 lat nauczania w szkołach zawodowych i amatorskich na całym świecie.
    • Zapraszany do udziału w różnych festiwalach i spotkaniach cyrkowych.
    • Kwalifikacje do nauczania sztuk cyrkowych na poziomie amatorskim i zawodowym.
    • Kwalifikacje BIAC (Brevet d'Initiateur aux Arts du Cirque) we Francuskiej Federacji Szkół Cyrkowych (FFEC).
    • Wykonawca współpracujący z wieloma włoskimi i zagranicznymi zespołami.
    • Uczestnictwo w różnych spektaklach i festiwalach w kraju i za granicą.
    • Artysta uliczny, cyrkowy i teatralny od 1999 roku.

    Workshop Overview / Przegląd Warsztatów

    Sils and Rope, Beginner level:

    The course is an opportunity to discover the Rope for those who practice Silks and vice versa. These two tools are similar but not equal and complementary to each other, this allows to do a thorough work on the technique of these two vertical aerial tools.

      Basic requirements:
  • ⁠ ⁠Practice of rope or fabric for at least one year (not necessary to know both);
  • ⁠ ⁠Knowledge of hip-lock not necessarily by the straddle;
  • ⁠ ⁠Straddle even with bent arms;
  • ⁠ ⁠Ability to climb rope or silks for at least 2 m from the floor.
    • Work programm:
  • ⁠ ⁠Specific physical preparation for the elements to be worked;
  • ⁠ ⁠Study of some falls and tilts;
  • ⁠ ⁠Progressive study of some basic positions such as straddle, meat-hook, back-balance, scorpion and, possibly, their development;
  • ⁠ ⁠Study of some sequences to approach roll-down;
  • Silks and Rope workshop, Advanced level:

    Workshop dedicated to those who practice Rope or Silks. I consider these two tools similar, not equal and complementary: the application of the same figures on one, helps the other and completes the work. Working on both tools creates a complete vocabulary for those who practice only rope and those who practice only silks.

      Basic requirements:
  • ⁠ ⁠Good knowledge of silks or rope (even just one of the two) for some years so as to have good resistance on tools;
  • ⁠ ⁠Mounting hip-lock from the straddle (not necessarily with outstretched arms);
  • ⁠ ⁠Good management of the straddle (not necessarily with outstretched arms);
  • ⁠ ⁠Management of meat-hook also from the candle position (thus making the legs come down and not necessarily from below);
  • ⁠ ⁠Knowledge even minimal, of figures like scorpion and back-balance
    • Work program:
  • ⁠ ⁠Specific physical preparation and preparatory to the figures or exercises to be performed;
  • ⁠ ⁠Study of some sequences "control" and roll-up and roll-down study that introduces the theme of the "air proprioception": to seek balance with your body in the air by activating specific parts of the body exploiting possible support points with the tool;
  • ⁠ ⁠Analysis of static figures and "keys" indispensable for a complete vocabulary of one’s own body in the air (plank, meat hook, back flag, back and front balance, scorpion etc.). The developments from these figures will be analysed below;
  • ⁠ ⁠Study of dynamics movements, oscillations and their applications on some sequences.
  • Schedule / Harmonogram

    Saturday / Sobota

    15:00 - 17:00

    Silks&Rope Beginner

    17:30 - 19:30

    Silks&Rope Advanced

    Sunday / Niedziela

    10:00 - 12:00

    Silks&Rope Beginner

    12:30 - 14:30

    Silks&Rope Advanced

    Pricing / Ceny

    All Workshops / Wszystkie warsztaty

    PLN 750

    Aerial Silks and Rope Beginner (Saturday and Sunday)

    PLN 390

    Aerial Silks and Rope Advanced (Saturday and Sunday)

    PLN 390

    One Block / Jeden warsztat

    PLN 200

    Location / Lokalizacja

    Szkoła Akrobatyki AKRO

    📍 Address / Adres:

    Krzywoustego 72

    61-144 Poznań

    Registration | Rejestracja

    Tworzymy aerialową społeczność. Jeżeli wiesz, że chcesz wziąć udział, ale teraz nie możesz zapłacić, zarejestruj się i daj mi znać. Ustalimy dogodny termin płatności. 🙂

    We are creating an aerial community. If you know you want to participate but can’t pay now, please register and let me know. We’ll arrange a convenient payment date. 🙂

    Gianluca Gerlando Gentiluomo